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Debunking Common HVAC Myths for JTR Energy


At JTR Energy, we understand that there are numerous myths and misconceptions surrounding HVAC systems. In this blog post, we aim to debunk some common myths and provide you with accurate information to help you make informed decisions about your HVAC needs.

Myth 1: Closing Vents in Unused Rooms Saves Energy

Many homeowners believe that closing vents in unused rooms can save energy by reducing the workload on their HVAC system. However, this is a myth. HVAC systems are designed to operate with a balanced airflow throughout the entire ductwork system. Closing vents can disrupt this balance, causing the system to work harder and potentially leading to higher energy bills.

Myth 2: Bigger HVAC Systems are Always Better

  • Oversized HVAC systems can lead to inefficient operation and excessive energy consumption.
  • A properly sized system tailored to your home’s specific needs will provide optimal comfort and efficiency.
  • Professional load calculations are essential for determining the appropriate size for your HVAC system.

Myth 3: Duct Cleaning Improves Indoor Air Quality

While duct cleaning can remove accumulated dust and debris from your ductwork, it is not a guaranteed solution for improving indoor air quality. The effectiveness of duct cleaning depends on various factors, such as the presence of contaminants, the condition of the ductwork, and the quality of the cleaning process. Regular filter replacement and proper system maintenance are often more effective in maintaining good indoor air quality.

Myth 4: HVAC Maintenance is Unnecessary

Neglecting regular maintenance for your HVAC system can lead to decreased efficiency, higher energy bills, and premature system failure. Professional maintenance ensures that your system is operating at peak performance, extends its lifespan, and helps identify and address potential issues before they become more costly to repair.


At JTR Energy, we prioritize providing our customers with accurate information and dispelling common HVAC myths. By understanding the truth behind these myths, you can make informed decisions that promote energy efficiency, indoor comfort, and cost-effective HVAC operation. If you have any further questions or concerns, our team of experienced professionals is always ready to assist you.